Over the years I have spent a chunk of my time carving out a niche as a self-styled “China SEO Expert”.
Knowledge and practice in the specialism of China SEO, in particular Baidu SEO, is something I have consulted and worked on with a number of different brands, particularly in the luxury and hospitality industries.
As such, this page will be used as a curation space with blurbs and snippets from a selection of China SEO guides, presentations or whitepapers I’ve had published over the years. Watch this space for additional new resources I may choose to publish as time goes by.
You can also check out my SlideShare profile to check out presentations of talks I’ve given over the years.
For more information on how I can assist in the China SEO space, check out my China SEO services page.

Here’s What Advertisers Should Know About China’s Fast-Changing Search Market (Adage)
This article details:
- Core changes to Baidu’s SERP makeup and paid-search ad models following an advertising scandal
- Why subsequent reduced and more competitive ad space meant organic search on Baidu was more important than ever
- Why brands should also consider emerging Chinese search competitors Sogou and Qihoo 360
- The future of Chinese search engines and SEO strategy

Digital Marketing in China: The Baidu SEO Guide (Builtvisible)
A mammoth guide to all things digital in China, with a focus on Baidu SEO. Written in 2015, though a lot of it is still firmly relevant.
This guide details:
- How to get a Baidu account
- Baidu key products and areas for SEO opportunity (Baike, Zhidao, Tieba)
- Baidu vs Google: algorithmic and SEO differences
- Site architecture
- Technical SEO
- Indexation
- On-page SEO
- Linkbuilding
- Hosting
- Chinese content marketing tools and research
- Step by step walkthrough of Baidu Webmaster Tools

Content Marketing China Side (Moz webinar)
This webinar details:
- China content marketing and SEO landscape
- What content works in China
- Sina Weibo intro and content opportunities
- Chinese content marketing and keyword research tools

Interview about Content Marketing in China (SEO Jo Blogs)
This article details:
- What got me into marketing for China
- How different content marketing in China is compared to other markets
- Differences between Google and Baidu
- Some thoughts on the importance of Chinese social networks